the last one

if this is the last present i can give her. it is not good enough then. i wonder if she still keep my past present. if she still remember that i give it to her. she likes it or not? a big hope for that. today's maybe the last present for her. i'm not sure for the next day. or the day im in japan. if she realizes that i still like her. maybe not. enough with all of this. =) she doesn't like me until the end. giving hopes that one day she will come back. no, theres no coming back. she's already far away. far from me. i still remember the first day we knew each other. that moment was priceless. until now. it just a history. she can forget it just like that. nothing specials then. thank you dear. thank you for everything. there's no others word can describe u. happy birthday, take care, praying you for the best of your life, do what you think right, don't bother about the peoples hating you, try to stand one your foot by yourself okay. goodbye dear. may Allah s.w.t bless you.